Larisa Crunțeanu’s practice as performer, video artist and sound collector moves from reality to fiction in an endless conversation with the viewer. She studied Journalism and Photography and Dynamic Image, and in 2021 she succesfully defended her PhD thesis at the University of Art in Bucharest. Larisa Crunţeanu’s works create contexts in which facts and memories are reactivated, encouraging a shared effort and the emergence of new practices. Many of her projects reflect on the notion of collaboration and the ideas existing behind objects and stories. Her works were shown in important institutions such as the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Biennale Matter of Art Prague, SAVVY Berlin, Zacheta Project Room Warsaw, RKI Berlin, Museu de Arte Brasieira – MAB FAAP, São Paulo. In 2022, Larisa Crunțeanu will publish the book titled Protocols of Singularity.
Într-un timp care nu mai este al nostru încă
[In a time that is no longer ours, yet]
Sound design: Laurențiu Coțac
Curator: Cristina Stoenescu

Tour 2: 18.00
Starting point. Sf. Vineri, tram stop 16 – Destination: Platforma Pipera
On Saturday 22 October, from 15.00 and 18.00, benevolent host Larisa Crunțeanu goes live with Dido for a new tour through space and time.
Dido is a digital space-time guide set in an uncertain and far away future, hosted on a digital cloud with a recently discontinued maintenance. Created in the style of the identity politics of the 2020s Dido is aware that other guides only tell the success stories of late capitalism. But her view of history is different. For her, good and evil form a whole in which pride and shame, success and failure, the beautiful and the ugly, truth and lies cannot be entirely separated. And her perception of time is organic, manifesting itself in non-linear leaps that keep track of the ‘where’, ignoring the ‘when’.
ARAC is a non-profit organization founded in June 2012, in order to produce and promote contemporary art in Romania and abroad. The initiative of the 58 Plantelor Residency belongs to Anca Poterasu, gallerist and ARAC President. The first edition of the Residency took place in 2015 and it was financed through a grant offered by Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and the Romanian Government.